My work is aimed at questioning normality and offering new ways of looking into things. I often approach my interests with a humorous perspective.
Landscape Seen by a Pinwheel (Find the Differences) is conceptual, suggesting a worldview from a pinwheel’s perspective. It is structured like an innocent pastime, in the manner of those appearing in newspapers and magazines, or even in children’s publications, but it actually hints at a swirling shift in perception and cognitive processing.
Ana Iribas Rudín, Ph.D., is a visual artist with exhibitions in three continents and a professor and researcher at the Faculty of Fine Arts (BA in Fine Arts), Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain. She has also taught at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (MA in Art Therapy) and at the U-tad University Centre, Madrid (BA in Animation). Her lines of research cover visual arts and consciousness, art and new technologies, and art therapy. She has done research or artist stays in the USA, France, Italy, Germany, and Spain.
Landscape Seen by a Pinwheel (Find the Differences)
61cm x 61cm
acrylic on canvas