The Golden Dame is a creation of the artist’s imagination which was inspired by the tales of the armored noble knights of high status during medieval times. They were praised in battle for the slaughtering of the enemy and seen by society as heroes. The Golden Dame as the female equivalent for a knight is a metaphor for courageous women from all levels of societies. All women deserve to be deemed as Heroines and all women have their own stories to tell.
Zelda Cloete is a multi-disciplinary artist and lives in Pretoria, South Africa. She completed her Masters Degree in Visual Arts in 2020 at The University of South Africa and is head of Visual Art at St Albans’s College. Zelda participated in numerous local art exhibitions in South Africa, including the National Arts festival in Grahamstown. Her work was also part of the fibre sculpture group exhibition at the International Quilt exhibition. She was a finalist in the Sasol New Signatures art competition in 2012 and 2013 and in the Thami Mnyele Fine Art Awards competition in 2021.
The Golden Dame Life size installation 2021
The Golden Dame Life size installation 2021
The Golden Dame Life size installation 2021
The Golden Dame Life size installation 2021
The Golden Dame Life size installation 2021
The Golden Dame Life size installation 2021