

Brandy was born 14 Nov 1973 in Lancaster, NH.  She moved to San Diego, CA when she was 4yrs old and stayed until joining the military in Oct of 1992.  Now, Brandy is retired and figuring out what she wants to be when she grows up.  Brandy stumbled onto art again after a 30 year break from the craft.  She enjoys painting the most but also writes books involving her war experiences and poetry dealing with just about any subject.  She is completely self taught and has never received formal artist training of any kind however, Brandy is currently looking to expand her knowledge through college level classes in art.  
These days, Brandy spends her time traveling around supporting and speaking at many Anti-Racism Rallies and Suicide Prevention groups. 


I want the world to know it’s okay to allow others to live, it’s okay to allow others to be who they are... another’s differences do not harm nor take away from who you are, let humans live. Being a veteran who has had to deal with many issues of the human condition and fight through the aftermath of the worst humanity has to offer, I found it difficult to fully express what was inside.  A couple years ago, urged by my son and daughter-in-law, I decided to pick up a paint brush again.  First time in 30years.  I had no idea if it was something I was going to enjoy or be good at after such a long time but I thought it was worth a try. I fell right back into a wonderful abstract world enabling me to better articulate what I was feeling. Many times in life we don’t really absorb another’s words but often a static form can elevate your thoughts cause there are no distractions, no politics, no one else’s emotions in your space. It’s just you looking at a piece of art and being allowed to freely feel however it makes you feel.  
I have always been interested in art over the years, but like many I chose a different path for the majority of my life.  Then life came to a screeching halt.  I retired from the military, my children were moving out and moving on and then the unthinkable, my youngest son committed suicide.  I was lost to say the least for a very long time.  When it was suggested I try painting again I wasn’t sold on the idea but had nothing to lose.  Slowly, through painting, I have come back to life and found my voice again.  There are so many tough subjects in our world we need to face but have difficulties at times wrapping our brains around them.  Racism, war, PTSD, drug use, suicide, ... to name a few.  Through my art I have been able to reconcile many questions and struggles in my heart. 

Pregnant Mother Burning:

Our world is the only in our galaxy able to create life to this extraordinary level.  That’s all she does is give birth every second of every day.  We as humans have killed off her miracles at each turn.  Our mother is losing her ability to create. 

Deeds, not words:

PTSD in any form has always been the silent stealth murderer.  We have seen these words, some of us have spoken these words....enough words, it’s time to act!  Physically put your hand out and face to face help someone!

Let Them Live:

Children are born with no knowledge of hate and a colorblind heart until we teach them otherwise.  Stop pouring your prejudices on them.  Allow them to live freely and safely together, allow them to fix what we could not.  

Ashley Garner


Neill Catangay