Artist Statement:
My work is to explore the transcendent experience, which is something beyond the natural. It has a power that is wholly independent of the material universe, beyond all known physical laws. I try to capture this moment when a person encounters something higher than themselves, transcending the physical. Using a range of mediums I try to replicate a fragment of this moment. My goal is to grasp at this intangible thing, to one day capture it’s essence in its entirety. To gain an understanding as to why we humans long for it and it longs for us.
For me personally the zeitgeist of 2020 was a liberating one. Despite the ugliness of the world. I finally shed the final remnants of shame that I bore. I wore it like armor. And we all protect ourselves with our own form of armor which can take on many facades. But there was a shifting for me that realized that the armor that I had couldn’t contain me anymore. Even though with COVID and everyone going into isolation. For me on a more transcendent level I was breaking out. But with breaking the armor I once had I now feel a new level of exposure and vulnerability. And that’s the zeitgeist of 2020 for me. Shedding that last remnant and standing bare but exposed and vulnerable.
Exposed. Graphite and Acrylic Paint. 2' x 4'. 2020.