
The fundamental inspiration for my work is love, its beauty and complexity, while thematically, my work revolves around questions of gender, sexuality, sex, and race. Further, as an interdisciplinary artist, I turn to the tools offered by multiple media to enrich and deepen my works. I create artwork as a process for healing and questioning. Setting out to disrupt, I always want to create something different from what people have seen before by challenging social norms and our perceptions of them. I am trying to gather energy to create a healing space for people who endure discrimination.

My process as an artist and creator is that I always wait to be inspired in/by life. I am always looking for new and innovative elements. Moreover, I draw on theory from academic and non-academic works and think hard because I expect myself to be not only an artist, but also a thinker. The ideology of my works is "Family-unfriendly."


江 峰 Jiang Feng is a non-gendered and multi-disciplinary artist working across-genres in movement/dance, theatre, performance art, voice, text, modeling, film, photography and theory. They are the receiver of fellowship and grants from the R.O.C. Government and the Ministry of Culture in Taiwan. Their works have been presented in Asia, America, and Europe in various artistic disciplines and settings.

The ideology of my works is "Family-unfriendly."

This series juxtaposes the torn and dirty USian flag with the naked bodies of all genders, races, sexuality, nationality, and cultural backgrounds to capture their vulnerability, emotions, and strength, critiquing the United States as the dreamland and shelter for all humans. Moreover, I am interested in the body, not some mainstream beauty. I encourage people all to model nude because I am not interested in censoring any specific body parts. If they are part of the body, they deserve to be seen/there.


Heather Drayzen


Kate Geiger