I primarily use art as therapy, a way to wade through grief and sometimes happiness. I use it to measure my growth each year. I mainly do portraiture. I first started painting as a way to deal with negative thoughts and to keep my mind busy.
I've been in search of my signature style and believe within the past 2 years (2019) have finally captured it. As an artist I have nothing to "proclaim" or "declare", I simply found solace and peace within it. I often use those I love as my subjects or muse, even myself on occasion. My mission is to create.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol
Yaiel Ghaffaar is a Philadelphia, PA native who briefly studied Black and White Design at Community College of Philadelphia. She acquired a love for portraiture using various mediums including acrylics, spray paints and gold leafing within her work.
TITLE Greenery MEDIA Acrylic, Marker, Spray Paint, Stencil SCALE 34" x 26"